For Corporates

For Corporates

Are you a HR professional, a company, a health care clinic? Improve staff retention by showing your support for parents / parents-to-be through trainings and promoting work-life balance. We also help provide valuable family literacy insights for pre-natal and post-natal groups.

Books from Birth

Birth From Birth

More than 80% of a child’s brain is formed during their first three years, and what they experience during this window can irreversibly affect how their brain develops. Participants will learn how to maximize this window and face challenges with regards to their reading practice. 

Suitable for parents of 0-3 year olds.

Let Stories Inspire Learning

In today’s high pressured, digital era, parents often struggle to find ways to connect and engage with their children. In this workshop, parents will be provided with theme-based Chinese picture books to encourage their child’s motivation while supporting language learning.

Suitable for parents of 2-8 year olds.

English Fear Buster

English Fear Buster

Parents realize that English is a MUST as children progress in school and life, but are unable to support or help with the situation. This workshop aims to bridge that gap. Using storybooks has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to improve language acquisition for both children and adults.

Suitable for parents of 0-8 year olds.

Building Life-long Readers

Building Life-long Readers

A love of reading often starts at home. Your child will “Learn to Read” at school, but “Reading to Learn”- to understand the world around them and to make connections, is a skill that is most effectively developed outside of the classroom.

Suitable for parents of 0-3, 3-6 & 6-9 year olds.

Mastering Read Aloud Skills

Mastering Read Aloud Skills

Master your reading aloud skills – practice with tone, pace, intensity and mood will build the ability of the reader to inspire and instruct more effectively. Modeling, guided practice and class feedback will be used. Participants will also learn how to select the best books for interactive reading and to inspire a love of learning. Suitable for parents and teachers.

Suitable for parents and teachers from 0-11 years old

Meet Our Trainers

I learned so much about reading to my son. Reading demonstration and tips on how to make parent-child reading fun are useful and show us how to enjoy reading.

Pristine Kindergarten

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we are a registered charity under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance [IR File Number 91/8143], and an affiliate of Bring Me A Book™ Foundation, which is a 501 (c) (3) award winning literacy non-profit headquartered in Mountain View, CA, USA.

Bring Me a Book Foundation, headquartered in U.S., has a wealth of resources on their website, as do other literacy non-profit organizations, including UK-based Book Trust and US-based Reach Out and Read.

We are always looking for new corporate partnerships to support our work. Please check our Corporate Partnership page for details.

Since 2008, we have accumulated a comprehensive list of the best English and Chinese children’s books which is regularly updated by a team of over 40 literacy specialists, librarians and consultants.


No, the main reason is because we customize our libraries and select books to match the needs of our target groups, depending on age, language preferences and interests of the kids. As such, these books become absolute treasures for our beneficiaries – the best quality books bring the most enjoyment of reading in their lives!

For those looking for second-hand books donation options, please try:

Angie Lin

Angie Lin holds an M.Ed. in TESOL from University of British Columbia, Canada, an M.A. in Communications from Purdue University, U.S.A. and a B.A. in English from Nanjing University, China. She conducts regular reading workshops to parents, teachers, volunteers, and social workers in both local and international schools, community centers and organizations, and has consulting experience to improve reading culture on campus. She is also a popular interactive storyteller in English, Mandarin and Cantonese, often extending the story experiences with tailor made activities. Since 2018, Angie has translated and published children books as well as journal articles on children literature in mainland China and Hong Kong.

Connie Chow

Connie Chow joined Bring Me A Book Hong Kong as a Project Manager in 2020, organized workshops for schools to promote parent-child reading and supported low-income families in reading during the epidemic. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Counselling and Psychology and has over ten years of experience working with children and youth, especially children with special needs. By sharing the same vision with Bring Me A Book Hong Kong and having passion in picture books, she works a lot to promote reading aloud. She rejoined Bring Me A Book Hong Kong in 2022, and is experienced in using picture books and art to facilitate children’s positive development.

Pauline Young

Pauline Young is a communication specialist, trainer and storyteller educated in California, USA, with degrees in English Literature and Business Administration.  After working in Hong Kong for over 10 years in Communications and Training, she started her own training/speaking business and has given over 500 workshops and talks to date.  Pauline is an award-winning speaker given the highest honor and recognition, Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), by Toastmasters International. In the last 10 years, she has taken on the role of an early literacy advocate and has led many reading and storytelling workshops for parents, educators and social workers as well conducted numerous reading clubs and storytelling “playshops” for kids of all ages. Her first children’s book, “Socks Heaven”, was published in 2004 (reprinted 2017).

Percie Wong

Percie Wong holds a bachelor degree major in Psychology where she has extensive experience in conducting First TeachersTM Training to parents and Train-the-Trainer Workshop to teachers and social workers.  Due to her passion to contribute the work on child development that led her joining BMABHK from hotel business management sector.  She holds various trainings/reading clubs regularly for schools or NGOs to nurture family reading cultures.  Her expertise also includes English workshops through interactive read-aloud with the systematic approach to develop children’s understanding of vocabulary as well as the phonological awareness in boosting their oral English.

Yoyo Yau

Yoyo is a Registered Social Worker (HK), a Registered Play Therapist (USA) and a columnist in Mameshare website, she holds a Master Degree in Counseling from the University of Hong Kong. With over ten years of experience in social work and counseling, she is experienced in organizing and conducting different projects in schools and communities to promote the importance of parent-child reading since she has joined Bring Me A Book in 2011. After the birth of her two daughters, she experienced the benefits of parent-child reading, and she would love to help parents to establish a reading habit through community training. She also promoted the therapeutic use of picture book in helping children to relieve their emotions and improving parent-child relationships through reading.