Home » Programmes » Bookcase
Our Library Programme matches donors with non-profit organizations to provide easy access to quality books which is a popular resource for schools, kindergartens and health care clinics serving low-income children, 0-11 years old.
Including the classics and the best of the newly published books
Our libraries have about 50% of books in English and 50% of books in Chinese
We ensure each Bookcase has a broad range of culturally rich and age-appropriate books
The necessary condition for encouraging reading is ACCESS to reading material. When children have access to more books, they read more. The better the library, the higher the reading scores.1
Our libraries are curated by a team of literacy specialists and librarians to tap into the child’s interest and foster intrinsic motivation to read and learn.
Representatives from the beneficiary site will join our “Train-the-Trainer” workshops to deliver “First Teachers Training” in the community to ensure sustainable impact in the community.
1 The Power of Reading, Insights from the Research” Dr. Stephen D. Krashen
Non-profit making organizations, education bodies and social service organizations registered under the laws of Hong Kong are eligible to apply.
A bookcase donation will be made to a location/site once. If the applicants would like to apply for our library programs installed at its subsidiary sites, individual submission of application for each site is needed.
The Agreement shall come into force on the date of library installation and shall continue in force for a period of one year. The beneficiary organization can keep the library continuously after the completion of the agreement
Reading is no longer a pressure but a pleasure for me and my child since discovering Bring Me a Book’s beautiful selection of books and learning tips on reading aloud!
Ms. Ana
Mother of two boys
Finding donors to finance bookcases and/or Book Bag libraries is an ongoing process. We are constantly working to find individual donors, foundations and corporations to fund our programs. Submitting your application is just the first step in letting us know that you’re interested. We’ll let you know when we match your site with a donor.
It would be great if you have funding or a donor to support a Bookcase or Book Bag Library for your site. This will definitely speed up the library installation process. Partial support is welcome too.
All our books are quality, hardback children books in English and Chinese. We take the utmost pride and care in selecting books for each site. We have a dedicated team of specialists to help customize the booklist for each Library, keeping in mind the age range, language preferences, reading levels and special needs of the children at the site. You usually cannot choose the books yourselves.
Two staff per recipient organization will be required to join our “Train-the-Trainer” workshop to deliver “First Teachers Training” in the community. Those who complete the whole training will be qualified as a “First Teachers Trainer” by BMABHK.
You will receive the training materials and gifts for parents from BMABHK when conducting the “First Teachers Training”.
You will be given the priority to join the mass programs and publicity events of BMABHK and be eligible to apply for our voluntary service on reading-aloud to children.
No, the main reason is because we customize our libraries and select books to match the needs of our target groups, depending on age, language preferences and interests of the kids. As such, these books become absolute treasures for our beneficiaries – the best quality books they have ever had the enjoyment of reading in their lives!
For those looking for second-hand books donation options, please try:
Children’s books: | Read-cycling reBooked (English Only) Rolling Books |
Adults / other books: | Flow Book Store Salvation Army |
Bring Me A BookTM Hong Kong – The leading advocate for family literacy in Hong Kong.
© 2025 Bring Me A BookTM Hong Kong