童書作家Jon Klassen 見面及簽書活動 (2015年11月19日 )

童書作家Jon Klassen (凱迪克獎得獎者)

童書作家Jon Klassen 將展開首次訪港之旅與讀者見面!JK_Poster_Print-01


日期: 2015年11月19日 (星期四)

時間: 下午4.00 – 5.30

地點: 香港足球會Meeting Room1-3號室 – 跑馬地 體育道3號

對象: 5-10歲兒童及家長

費用: 每位兒童$150 (家長免費)






Jon Klassen is a writer and illustrator of children’s books and an animator. He won both the American Caldecott Medal and the British Kate Greenaway Medal for children’s book illustration, recognizing the 2012 picture book This is Not My Hat, which he also wrote. He is the first person to win both awards for the same work.

This Is Not My Hat is a companion to Klassen’s preceding picture book, I Want My Hat Back (2011), and his first as both writer and illustrator. Both books were on the New York Times Best Seller list for more than 40 weeks and has sold over 1 million copies worldwide and been translated into 22 languages.


Jon Klassen has also worked as an illustrator for feature animated films, music videos, and editorial pieces. Originally from Niagara Falls, Canada, he now lives in Los Angeles.


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